
Basic example

The following example simulates three students (with one marked as vulnerable) and three schools (who prioritize vulnerable students). The code runs SIC (Stable Improvements Cycles) as an example, but it can be replaced with any of the stated algorithms.

# Importing py-school-match
import py_school_match as psm

# Creating three students.
st0 = psm.Student()
st1 = psm.Student()
st2 = psm.Student()

# Creating a criteria. This means 'vulnerable' is now a boolean.
vulnerable = psm.Criteria('vulnerable', bool)

# Assigning st1 as vulnerable
student_vulnerable = psm.Characteristic(vulnerable, True)

# Creating three schools, each with one seat available.
sc0 = psm.School(1)
sc1 = psm.School(1)
sc2 = psm.School(1)

# Defining preferences (from most desired to least desired)
st0.preferences = [sc0, sc1, sc2]
st1.preferences = [sc0, sc2, sc1]
st2.preferences = [sc2, sc1, sc0]

# Creating a lists with the students and schools defined above.
schools = [sc0, sc1, sc2]
students = [st0, st1, st2]

# Defining a ruleset
ruleset = psm.RuleSet()

# Defining a new rule from the criteria above.
rule_vulnerable = psm.Rule(vulnerable)

# Adding the rule to the ruleset. This means that a 'vulnerable' student has a higher priority.
# Note that rules are added in order (from higher priority to lower priority)

# Creating a social planner using the objects above.
planner = psm.SocialPlanner(students, schools, ruleset)

# Selecting an algorithm
algorithm = psm.SIC()

# Running the algorithm.

# inspecting the obtained assignation
for student in students:
    if student.assigned_school is not None:
        print("Student {} was assigned to School {}".format(student.id, student.assigned_school.id))
        print("Student {} was not assigned to any school".format(student.id))

Example using quotas

The following example simulates three students (with one marked as vulnerable) and three schools (who prioritize vulnerable students). This time, a minimum quota of 50% of vulnerable students is required. The code runs SIC (Stable Improvements Cycles) as an example, but it can be replaces with any of the stated algorithms.

# Importing py-school-match
import py_school_match as psm

# Creating three students.
st0 = psm.Student()
st1 = psm.Student()
st2 = psm.Student()

# Creating a criteria. This means 'vulnerable' is now a boolean.
vulnerable = psm.Criteria('vulnerable', bool)

# Assigning st1 as vulnerable
student_vulnerable = psm.Characteristic(vulnerable, True)

# Creating three schools, each with one seat available.
sc0 = psm.School(1)
sc1 = psm.School(1)
sc2 = psm.School(1)

# Defining preferences (from most desired to least desired)
st0.preferences = [sc0, sc1, sc2]
st1.preferences = [sc0, sc2, sc1]
st2.preferences = [sc2, sc1, sc0]

# Creating a lists with the students and schools defined above.
schools = [sc0, sc1, sc2]
students = [st0, st1, st2]

# Defining a ruleset
ruleset = psm.RuleSet()

# Defining a new rule from the criteria above.
# This time, a flexible quota is imposed.
# This means that each school should have at least 50% percent
# vulnerable students. The "flexible" part means that if there are
# no vulnerable students left, even if the quota is not met, the
# school can now accept non-vulnerable students.
rule_vulnerable = psm.Rule(vulnerable, quota=0.5)

# Adding the rule to the ruleset. This means that a 'vulnerable' student has a higher priority.
# Note that rules are added in order (from higher priority to lower priority)

# Creating a social planner using the objects above.
planner = psm.SocialPlanner(students, schools, ruleset)

# Selecting an algorithm
algorithm = psm.SIC()

# Running the algorithm.

# inspecting the obtained assignation
for student in students:
    if student.assigned_school is not None:
        print("Student {} was assigned to School {}".format(student.id, student.assigned_school.id))
        print("Student {} was not assigned to any school".format(student.id))

Comparing algorithms

The following example simulates the same conditions for two different algorithms. This allows a direct comparison of the results.

# Importing py-school-match
import py_school_match as psm

# Defining a list of algorithms
algorithms = [psm.TTC, psm.DAMTB]

# Simple dictionary to store the results
results = {}

# Iterating over each algorithm and defining the conditions
for algorithm in algorithms:


    vulnerable = psm.Criteria("vulnerable", bool)

    st0 = psm.Student()
    st1 = psm.Student()
    st2 = psm.Student()
    st3 = psm.Student()

    st1.add_characteristic(psm.Characteristic(vulnerable, True))

    students = [st0, st1, st2, st3]

    sc0 = psm.School(1)
    sc1 = psm.School(1)
    sc2 = psm.School(1)

    schools = [sc0, sc1, sc2]

    st0.preferences = [sc0, sc1, sc2]
    st1.preferences = [sc0, sc2, sc1]
    st2.preferences = [sc2, sc1, sc0]
    st3.preferences = [sc0, sc1, sc2]

    ruleset = psm.RuleSet()
    rule_vulnerable = psm.Rule(vulnerable)

    planner = psm.SocialPlanner(students, schools, ruleset)

    # Running each algorithm

    # Storing the results in the dictionary.
    # Note that ``get_positions_stat`` takes the SocialPlanner object and returns
    # a dictionary with the following format: {position: number of students}
    # For example, {1: 25, 2:14, 'NA': 5} means that 25 students were assigned to
    # their most preferred school, 14 to their second-most preferred school
    # and 5 were not assigned no any school.
    results[algorithm.__name__] = get_positions_stat(planner)


Visualizing algorithms


Experimental code.

In iterative algorithms you can visualize each iteration.

In order to generate images, simply add generate_images=True to the algorithm definition. See the following example:

algorithm = psm.SIC(generate_images=True)

Note that if an algorithm does not find any cycle or cannot make any iteration, no image will be created.